Jasphy Yiran Zheng was born in southern China, 1992.  She is now based in Providence achieving BFA in Photography at Rhode Island School of Design. She is the recipient of the travel grant from Francesca Woodman Family FoundaMon in 2015. Her work has been exhibited internaMonally including US, China, UK and New Zealand. She uses photography along with other media, from arMst book, video to performance as her vocabulary to construct her artistic language.

The Unfinished Letter is based on Jasphy Yiran Zheng's journeys in China, where she turned herself into a private investigator to dig out the truth of the suicide of her mentor, who encouraged her to be an artist.
It was almost a mission impossible, considering the fact that five years have passed since her death. Her journey is a destructive healing process for the artist as well as an attempt to let this story go. She revisited schools her mentor worked for as well as university she graduated from to collect clues. This investigation - made also following the memory of those people who met and remember her - is a journey started in order to find answers not only referred to her suicide, but also to the photographer's persistence in searching and longing.

