Elisabetta Pallini is an 25 years old Italian photographer based in Milan (Italy).
She studied photography at Fondazione Studio Marangoni in Florence from 2012 to 2015.
From the beginning of 2016 she is an author of LUZ Agency.
Her personal research is focused on exploring the evanescent border between reality and its representation.
She is also interested in the use of Smartphone, Photoshop and other alternative media that are always welcome in her work, as a simple research tool and as a way of expressing her personal language.

'Un Giorno Tre Autunni' ( or One Day Three Autumns in English) is a chinese idiom that is used when a person is intensely missing or longing for something, that a single day apart feels as long as three years. And it is also the exploration of the undefined side of my feelings pictured by the poor resolution camera of my smartphone, the mapping of the perpetual limbo in which I had been living for years looking for an answer, a contact, gestures and words unreachable.

