I've always had an affinity with the night time. I like the combination of feelings and moods it offers. There is peace and quiet, but also the unsettling sensation that behind every corner there is something sinister lurking in the shadows. And I think that this feeling is very primal, we have to remember that for a large portion of humanity's early days, we were not on top of the food chain and our forefathers learned that predators used the nigh time to hunt so they could hide in the shadows, and over time that association strengthened into a subconscious idea, if it’s dark then there is danger.

That mixture between peacefulness and dread is what drives me to go out every night. I find it exhilarating to capture that mood and translate it into a visual idea. I love the look of it, the desolation, the strange characters, the combination of so many different light sources, But for the most part, i love that sometimes, at the right hour standing in the right corner, you can feel as if you are the last person on earth. 

