Rita Puig-Serra lives and works in Barcelona. After studying Humanities and a master in Comparative Literature, she studies Graphic Design in IDEP and Photography in CFD and El Observatorio. Her first project “Where Mimosa Bloom” was published in 2014 by Editions du Lic. She received with Dani Pujalte the grant 20ª Fotopres La Caixa to produce the work Good Luck With The Future. She recently start a project with Salvi Danés and David Bestué with the support of Terralab.cat.

Dani Pujalte lives and works in Barcelona where he combines personal projects, assignments, and curating at Wer-Haus gallery&bookshop. His projects revolve around personal exploration as a tool to tackle cultural and social issues. His work has been published in Studio Vortex, Laboratori among other publications. He recently won the grant Fotopres La Caixa to work in the project “Good Luck with the Future” with Rita Puig-Ser

Good Luck With The Future is an ongoing collaborative project between Dani Pujalte and Rita Puig-Serra that has been developed in the last 2 years. Both born in late 80's, they explore through a poetic journey, feelings and expectations of their generation about the future. Uncertain, unknow and sometime scary.

"Good luck with the future is a journey of infinite paths, with a critical starting point and an uncertain destiny. It began as an exploration on how our generation lives and feels the future, to finish in an attempt to discover how do we perceive it ourselves. The project is about what could be, and what will be, although we do not know yet. What will never be, and also of what has been suddenly, without expecting it."

