Born 1978 in Stuttgart, Germany. Lives and works in Berlin. 

His work was exhibited in several photo festival including Photo Deli, Bienne festival of photography, Voice Off. 

The series "Arkanum" focuses on todays metropolis and describes man's relationship to its urban environment and architecture. My interest is the post human development of today and a critical examination of urban everyday life becoming more and more artificial. 

In a similar way like Godard's movie "Alphaville", a logic city built and controlled by the Alpha 60 computer, this work is about an artificially constructed city of the future that stands in stark contrast to nature. 

The cores of different major cities in Germany built the stage for this work. But also places like trade fairs, outlet center, shopping malls and airports. The motifs in part refer to real places, but they primarily serve to inspire fictitious, inner images. 
