Japanese-born photographer Hiro Tanaka not only presents a striking first-hand account of what it means to travel across the US with a variety of hardcore and punk bands from show to show but also an intelligent reflection on the American (social and artistic) landscape.
His book 
Dew Dew, Dew its won in 2014 the Shasin Book Award.

I've been traveling with punk bands in US and Europe. Moving from one city to another, going into familiar and unfamiliar scenes, sleeping and eating in different situations, meeting countless people every day. Many things could happen during life on the road. Time can be horribly slow but at the same time the flow can be too fast to follow. Days can be so different but seem like a constant repetition under the pile of time and distance. Fear and joy, expansion and contraction, everywhere I went seems so far away, feels like I could never go back there again.

